Courgettes, originating in Latin America, have a high water content and very few calories. Rich in vitamins, phosphorus and potassium, they are typical vegetables of the summer season.
The variety that we grow in our farm is “San Pasquale”, characterized by a cylindrical shape and light green streaks. The plants are usually planted around the middle of May (the name of this variety is linked to San Pasquale Baylon which is celebrated on 17 May). In exceptional cases like this year, because the insistent rain, we planted them on the end of May so they are available until the end of October.

Courgette plants of our fields.
Currently, manual harvesting in the fields is in progress, followed by the transformation, always done by hand.

Our zucchini are hand-picked.

Freshly picked zucchini.
Courgettes are washed and sliced, then put in salt, squeezed and passed for a few minutes in boiling water together with the vinegar; put to cool and prepared in glass jars, with extra virgin olive oil. Without the addition of preservatives or colourings.

Zucchini flavoured with extra virgin olive oil and chilli.

Zucchini ready for tasting.
Courgettes are prepared soon after the harvest and in this way maintain their crunchiness and the preserve the fragrance of the fresh vegetable.
How to use zucchini
Courgettes in oil can be tasted with meat and cheese dishes as a side dish or as appetizers. With bread they can also become an unusual snack.
To preserve the quality keep the jar in a cool place away from light. After opening, store it in a cool place, with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.
Do you want to taste our zucchini? You can book them on this number: +39 3389549348 – by calling or sending a message on WhatsApp.